c# regex? text string from file and sort into searchable array? -

i have following text file:


what trying parse text, end array each bit of data between {...}

so final result like:

i=11 p=0 a=3186 n=ianhx f=1 ps=0 pd=0 bc=0 

then can store these in database

so far have this:

string contents = system.io.file.readalltext("local text file"); //load string contents text file regex regex1 = new regex("\"players\":\\[(?<players>.*)\\]"); //find players section "players":[.......] match match1 = regex1.match(contents); //load match1     regex regex2 = new regex("{(?<player>([^}]*))}"); // break down each player {....} matchcollection match2 = regex2.matches(match1.groups["players"].value); //load match2 each player 

then stuck trying split match string[] somehow , looking @ may overcomplicating it?

any pointer easier solution data parsing


the data contained in file in json format. json quite simple read, if formatted correctly. if reformat input structure becomes clearer:

{   "players": [     {       "i": 11,       "p": 0,       "a": 3186,       "n": "ianhx",       "f": 1,       "ps": 0,       "pd": 0,       "bc": 0     },     {       "i": 12,       "p": 0,       "a": 115,       "n": "loztamnik",       "f": 1,       "ps": 0,       "pd": 0,       "bc": 0     },     {       "i": 58,       "p": 0,       "a": 156,       "n": "mr701",       "f": 2,       "ps": 0,       "pd": 0,       "bc": 0     },     {       "i": 59,       "p": 0,       "a": 156,       "n": "b0ne4",       "f": 2,       "ps": 0,       "pd": 0,       "bc": 0     },     {       "i": 64,       "p": 0,       "a": 324,       "n": "5tevej",       "f": 1,       "ps": 0,       "pd": 0,       "bc": 0     }   ] } 

in json, enclosed in [ ] denotes collection , enclosed in { } denotes object. so, can see have collection called players contains 5 objects (since there 5 pairs of { } within players [ ]) 8 properties each. if think of these in c# terms, have class called player 8 properties, , list<player> hold each player instance. take json data , deserialize them c# counterparts can manipulate them see fit, dave bish has pointed out in answer.

there's easy way create c# classes json data automatically:

  • create new class in project, name want , clear of it's content
  • copy json data (either example or yours)
  • go class , click edit -> paste special -> paste json classes

voila. visual studio's got back. should see along these lines:

public class rootobject {     public player[] players { get; set; } }  public class player {     public int { get; set; }     public int p { get; set; }     public int { get; set; }     public string n { get; set; }     public int f { get; set; }     public int ps { get; set; }     public int pd { get; set; }     public int bc { get; set; } } 

you can whatever suits scenario best, e.g. add system.collections.generic namespace can make player[] list<player> instead on.

now, manipulate json data , deserialize them c# class we've created, can use excellent json.net library. add it, right click application solution explorer , click "manage nuget packages...". type "json.net" in search box , install it.

once have in place, add newtonsoft.json namespace , you're go. can use json.net's deserializeobject<t>() method deserialize json data c# classes we've created:

//i've hardcoded json data here, extract them file var jsondata = @"{""players"":[{""i"":11,""p"":0,""a"":3186,""n"":""ianhx"",""f"":1,""ps"":0,""pd"":0,""bc"":0},{""i"":12,""p"":0,""a"":115,""n"":""loztamnik"",""f"":1,""ps"":0,""pd"":0,""bc"":0},{""i"":58,""p"":0,""a"":156,""n"":""mr701"",""f"":2,""ps"":0,""pd"":0,""bc"":0},{""i"":59,""p"":0,""a"":156,""n"":""b0ne4"",""f"":2,""ps"":0,""pd"":0,""bc"":0},{""i"":64,""p"":0,""a"":324,""n"":""5tevej"",""f"":1,""ps"":0,""pd"":0,""bc"":0}]}";  //deserialize json c# class created , store in myplayerdata var myplayerdata = jsonconvert.deserializeobject<rootobject>(jsondata);  //you can stuff such as.. foreach(player player in myplayerdata.players) {     messagebox.show(string.format("player {0} has of {1} , of {2}", player.n, player.i, player.a)); } 


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