javascript - Getting search field to filter results in Angular, problems Gulp / ng-model -


i have input field want readers able search businesses, have been put onto page using angular's ng-repeat. right now, when type search field, doesn't filter of them.

where problem be

wondering if it's problem gulpfile.js , how it's compiling build folder. other possibilities include incorrect using of directive ng-model or if ng-controller="mainctrl" in wrong place?

currently i'm using foundation apps, include angular views , routing. i've included link github , code samples below.

edit #1:

putting ng-controller="mainctrl" in header not seem work, instead businesses not show when compiled.



// foundation apps template gulpfile // ------------------------------------- // file processes of assets in "client" folder, combines them foundation apps assets, , outputs finished files in "build" folder finished app.  // 1. libraries // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  var $        = require('gulp-load-plugins')(); var argv     = require('yargs').argv; var gulp     = require('gulp'); var rimraf   = require('rimraf'); var router   = require('front-router'); var sequence = require('run-sequence');  // check --production flag var isproduction = !!(argv.production);  // 2. file paths // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  var paths = {   assets: [     './client/**/*.*',     '!./client/templates/**/*.*',     '!./client/assets/{scss,js}/**/*.*'   ],   // sass check these folders files when use @import.   sass: [     'client/assets/scss',     'bower_components/foundation-apps/scss'   ],   // these files include foundation apps , dependencies   foundationjs: [     'bower_components/fastclick/lib/fastclick.js',     'bower_components/viewport-units-buggyfill/viewport-units-buggyfill.js',     'bower_components/tether/tether.js',     'bower_components/hammerjs/hammer.js',     'bower_components/angular/angular.js',     'bower_components/angular-animate/angular-animate.js',     'bower_components/angular-ui-router/release/angular-ui-router.js',     'bower_components/foundation-apps/js/vendor/**/*.js',     'bower_components/foundation-apps/js/angular/**/*.js',     '!bower_components/foundation-apps/js/angular/app.js'   ],   // these files app's javascript   appjs: [     'client/assets/js/*.js'     // 'client/assets/js/app.js'   ] }  // 3. tasks // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  // cleans build directory gulp.task('clean', function(cb) {   rimraf('./build', cb); });  // copies in client folder except templates, sass, , js gulp.task('copy', function() {   return gulp.src(paths.assets, {     base: './client/'   })     .pipe(gulp.dest('./build'))   ; });  // copies app's page templates , generates urls them gulp.task('copy:templates', function() {   return gulp.src('./client/templates/**/*.html')     .pipe(router({       path: 'build/assets/js/routes.js',       root: 'client'     }))     .pipe(gulp.dest('./build/templates'))   ; });  // compiles foundation apps directive partials single javascript file gulp.task('copy:foundation', function(cb) {   gulp.src('bower_components/foundation-apps/js/angular/components/**/*.html')     .pipe($.nghtml2js({       prefix: 'components/',       modulename: 'foundation',       declaremodule: false     }))     .pipe($.uglify())     .pipe($.concat('templates.js'))     .pipe(gulp.dest('./build/assets/js'))   ;    // iconic svg icons   gulp.src('./bower_components/foundation-apps/iconic/**/*')     .pipe(gulp.dest('./build/assets/img/iconic/'))   ;    cb(); });  // compiles sass gulp.task('sass', function () {   return gulp.src('client/assets/scss/app.scss')     .pipe($.sass({       includepaths: paths.sass,       outputstyle: (isproduction ? 'compressed' : 'nested'),       errlogtoconsole: true     }))     .pipe($.autoprefixer({       browsers: ['last 2 versions', 'ie 10']     }))     .pipe(gulp.dest('./build/assets/css/'))   ; });  // compiles , copies foundation apps javascript, app's custom js gulp.task('uglify', ['uglify:foundation', 'uglify:app'])  gulp.task('uglify:foundation', function(cb) {   var uglify = $.if(isproduction, $.uglify()     .on('error', function (e) {       console.log(e);     }));    return gulp.src(paths.foundationjs)     .pipe(uglify)     .pipe($.concat('foundation.js'))     .pipe(gulp.dest('./build/assets/js/'))   ; });  gulp.task('uglify:app', function() {   var uglify = $.if(isproduction, $.uglify()     .on('error', function (e) {       console.log(e);     }));    return gulp.src(paths.appjs)     .pipe(uglify)     .pipe($.concat('app.js'))     .pipe(gulp.dest('./build/assets/js/'))   ; });  // starts test server, can view @ http://localhost:8080 gulp.task('server', ['build'], function() {   gulp.src('./build')     .pipe($.webserver({       port: 8080,       host: 'localhost',       fallback: 'index.html',       livereload: true,       open: true     }))   ; });  // builds entire app once, without starting server gulp.task('build', function(cb) {   sequence('clean', ['copy', 'copy:foundation', 'sass', 'uglify'], 'copy:templates', cb); });  // default task: builds app, starts server, , recompiles assets when change gulp.task('default', ['server'], function () {   // watch sass['./client/assets/scss/**/*', './scss/**/*'], ['sass']);    // watch javascript['./client/assets/js/**/*', './js/**/*'], ['uglify:app']);    // watch static files['./client/**/*.*', '!./client/templates/**/*.*', '!./client/assets/{scss,js}/**/*.*'], ['copy']);    // watch app templates['./client/templates/**/*.html'], ['copy:templates']); }); 

home.html (template containing ng-model / ng-controller)

--- name: home url: / ---  <header>     <p class="sponsored">sponsored </p>     <img src="" class="sponsors" alt="">     <h1>business directory</h1>     <div class="find">         <label for="looking">             <i class="fa fa-search"></i>         </label>         <input type="search" placeholder="what looking for?" ng-model="query">         <input type="submit">      </div><!-- /.find -->     <ul>         <li class="popular">popular searches:</li>         <li>tk-category <span>|</li>         <li>tk-category <span>|</span></li>         <li>tk-category <span>|</span></li>         <li>tk-category <span>|</span></li>         <li>tk-category </li>     </ul> </header>  <div class="businesses">     <p class="number">tk-number of businesses</p><button class="filter button">filter <i class="fa fa-chevron-down"></i></button>     <div class="options">         <div class="cat">             <div class="categories">                 <div class="group">                     <p class="name">grade level</p>                     <div class="check">                         <input type="radio" name=""><p>auto</p>                         <input type="checkbox" name=""><p>restaurant</p>                         <input type="checkbox" name=""><p>other</p>                     </div><!-- /.check -->                 </div><!-- /.group -->                  <div class="group">                     <p class="name">school type</p>                     <div class="check">                         <input type="checkbox">                         <input type="checkbox">                         <input type="checkbox">                         <input type="checkbox">                         <input type="checkbox">                     </div><!-- /.check -->                 </div><!-- /.group -->             </div><!-- /.categories -->         </div><!-- /.cat -->     </div><!-- /.options --> </div><!-- /.businesses -->  <div class="all" ng-controller="mainctrl">     <div class="business large-4.columns" data-ng-repeat="business in businesses | filter:query" >         <div class="overlay">             <img src="" class="storefront" alt="">         </div><!-- /.overlay -->         <div class="info">             <p class="name">{{}}</p>             <p class="description">{{business.description}}</p>             <p class="address">{{business.address}}</p>             <a href="" class="website">{{}}</a>         </div><!-- /.info -->     </div> </div>  <footer>     <p>back top</p> </footer>  <!-- <div class="buttons">     <button class="alp">alphabetically</button>     <button class="exp">expanded</button>     <button class="con">condensed</button> </div> -->  <!-- <div class="grid-container"> --> <!-- </div> --> 

index.html (has tag ng-app="application")

<!doctype html> <html lang="en" ng-app="application">   <head>     <meta charset="utf-8" />     <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />     <title>brandon sun business directory</title>     <link href="/assets/css/app.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">     <link rel="stylesheet" href="//">     <link href=',400,700' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>   </head>   <body>     <div class="grid-frame vertical">       <div class="grid-content shrink" style="padding: 0;">         <div class="primary condense menu-bar">         <div class="logo">           <img src="" class="bdnsun" alt="">           <div class="social">             <a href="" class="click"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a>             <a href="" class="click"><i class="fa fa-facebook"></i></a>           </div><!-- /.social -->         </div><!-- /.logo -->         </div>       </div>       <div ui-view class="grid-content">       </div>     </div>      <script src=""></script>     <script src="/assets/js/foundation.js"></script>     <script src="/assets/js/templates.js"></script>     <script src="/assets/js/routes.js"></script>     <script src="/assets/js/app.js"></script>     <script src=""></script>   </body> </html> 


myapp.controller('mainctrl', function($scope) {   $scope.businesses = [   {    id: 0,    name: "andrew nguyen",    description: "i'm web developer",    address: "322 11th street, brandon, mb",    website: ""  },  {    id: 1,    name: "mary yacoubian",    description: "i'm dental hygenist",    address: "18 wishford drive",    website: ""  },  {    id: 2,    name: "john axon",    description: "i'm jack of trades",    address: "1101 mississauga rd.",    website: ""  }  ] }); 


'use strict';    var myapp = angular.module('application', [     'ui.router',     'nganimate',      //foundation     'foundation',     'foundation.dynamicrouting',     'foundation.dynamicrouting.animations'   ])     .config(config)     .run(run)   ;    config.$inject = ['$urlrouterprovider', '$locationprovider'];    function config($urlprovider, $locationprovider) {     $urlprovider.otherwise('/');      $locationprovider.html5mode({       enabled:false,       requirebase: false     });      $locationprovider.hashprefix('!');   }    function run() {     fastclick.attach(document.body);   } 


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