javascript - Call a function in the main window when closing another popup window -

i have page. when click on link in page opens popup window. when click on link in popup window opens new popup window , closes first popup. in last popup can edit information. when window closes need call function in first page.

i've tried:

<script type="text/javascript">     window.onbeforeunload = function(){         window.opener.opener.relcontacten();     } </script> 

where relcontacten() function defined in first page , looks this:

function relcontacten(){     $.get(         'contactlijst.php',         function(response){             $('#contactlijst').html(response);         }     ); } 

does know way call function in specific window without using opener?

try use .load()

function relcontacten(){      $('#contactlijst').load('contactlijst.php'); } 

and beforeunload can use

 window.addeventlistener("beforeunload", function (e) {         relcontacten();  }); 


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