ios - Add UIPickerView inside UITableview -

how can add uipickerview inside uitableviewcell?

is there new inlinepicker or try add subview in cell?

please answer question & remove confusion/doubt inlinepicker

apple has given sample code datecell

here code snippet of :

- (bool)haspickerforindexpath:(nsindexpath *)indexpath {     bool hasdatepicker = no;     nsinteger targetedrow = indexpath.row;     targetedrow++;     uitableviewcell *checkdatepickercell =         [self.tableview cellforrowatindexpath:[nsindexpath indexpathforrow:targetedrow insection:0]];     uidatepicker *checkdatepicker = (uidatepicker *)[checkdatepickercell viewwithtag:kdatepickertag];     hasdatepicker = (checkdatepicker != nil);     return hasdatepicker; }  - (void)updatedatepicker {     if (self.datepickerindexpath != nil)     {         uitableviewcell *associateddatepickercell = [self.tableview cellforrowatindexpath:self.datepickerindexpath];         uidatepicker *targeteddatepicker = (uidatepicker *)[associateddatepickercell viewwithtag:kdatepickertag];         if (targeteddatepicker != nil)         {             nsdictionary *itemdata = self.dataarray[self.datepickerindexpath.row - 1];              [targeteddatepicker setdate:[itemdata valueforkey:kdatekey] animated:no];          }      }  } - (bool)hasinlinedatepicker  {     return (self.datepickerindexpath != nil); }  - (bool)indexpathhaspicker:(nsindexpath *)indexpath  {     return ([self hasinlinedatepicker] && self.datepickerindexpath.row == indexpath.row);  }  - (bool)indexpathhasdate:(nsindexpath *)indexpath  {     bool hasdate = no;     if ((indexpath.row == kdatestartrow) ||          (indexpath.row == kdateendrow || ([self hasinlinedatepicker] && (indexpath.row == kdateendrow + 1))))      {         hasdate = yes;      }     return hasdate; } 


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