dialog - App crashes on screen rotation when android.support.v7.app.AlertDialog is displayed and screen is rotated -

i have read related questions problem , tried (including using setretaininstance) , have not managed find works. pared dialogfragment bone (see below) , still have problem. having read blog elsewhere in author states has tried on stackoverflow without success, have decided did , dismiss dialogfragment in onstop , recreate in onstart. thought ask in case there new solution problem.

debugging in android studio receive unfortunately app has stopped message, there not trapped exception , no logcat output.

here reduced code still fails:

import android.app.activity; import android.app.dialog; import android.app.dialogfragment; import android.os.bundle; import android.support.annotation.nullable; import android.support.v7.app.alertdialog;  public class textviewdialogfragment extends dialogfragment {     public textviewdialogfragment()     {         super();     }      static public textviewdialogfragment newinstance(int title, @nullable string message, int identifier, int inputtype, int positivetext, int negativetext, boolean cancelable)     {         textviewdialogfragment fragement = new textviewdialogfragment();         return fragement;     }      @override     public dialog oncreatedialog(bundle savedinstancestate)     {         // using appcompatactivity activity = (appcompatactivity) getactivity(); not help.         activity activity = getactivity();         alertdialog.builder alert = new alertdialog.builder(activity);         alert.setcancelable(true).settitle("title");         alertdialog dialog = alert.create();         return dialog;     } } 

i create , show dialog appcompatactivity following code:

folderaddgetname = textviewdialogfragment.newinstance(r.string.add_folder, resources.getstring(r.string.addfoldermessage, selectedfolderview.gettext()), 1, inputtype.type_class_text | inputtype.type_text_flag_cap_words | inputtype.type_text_flag_cap_sentences, r.string.add, android.r.string.cancel, true); folderaddgetname.show(getfragmentmanager(), "addfolder"); 

first of all, should use android.support.v4.app.dialogfragment instead of android.app.dialogfragment if using appcompatactivity. use folderaddgetname.show(getsupportfragmentmanager(), "addfolder");


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