mvc - Why my ajax call do not work? -

i not able detect why ajax call not work. trying read contents of text file not work, problem control never go .done(function(data))

 function makecustomertree()     {        // debugger         alert('customertree');         $.ajax(             {             url:"~/bootstrap/js/livemap/ajax/jsonstringcarryingdata/customer-tree-json.txt",             data: {},             type: "get"         }).done(function (data)         {             alert('done');             $('#tree_loader').html('');             tree = $.fn.ztree.init($("#customertree"), setting, data);             tree = $.fn.ztree.getztreeobj("customertree");         }).fail(function (jqxhr)         {             alert('fail');             $('#tree_loader').html('<font color="red">unable load.</font>');//jqxhr.responsetext);         });     } 

where file customer-tree-json.txt contains contents this:

    [     {         "icon": "/static/tree/icons/user-20.png",          "pid": 7,          "id": 18,          "itemtype": "lcustomer",          "name": "sachin bhatia"     },      {         "itemtype": "ldevice",          "pid": 18,          "name": "uk 06 aa 3840",          "open": true,          "id": "007060500336",          "icon": "/static/tree/icons/device-20.png"     } ] 

after seeing directory tree, relative url has :



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