ios - UIScrollView in sprite kit -

i new programming , developing ios game. have used 1 view controller, initializes home skscene , isn't used @ after that, , have around 6 skscenes can navigate between each other following code (in respective scenes)

skscene *storescene = [[skscenestore alloc] initwithsize:self.size]; sktransition *reveal = [sktransition fadewithduration:0.5]; [self.view presentscene:storescene transition:reveal]; 

one of scenes store, , use scroll-kit (basically customizing code found here ) scroll through objects on store.

in github link above, implements sprite-kit uiscrollview, have tried move uiscrollview code store skscene

 - (void)scrollviewdidscroll:(uiscrollview *)scrollview 

doesn't called in sprite-kit scene. (i trying combine these store skscene because skscenes have nothing view controller, , feel messy keeping track of skscene , whether or not uiscrollview exists in view controller).

so question: how can get

- (void)scrollviewdidscroll:(uiscrollview *)scrollview 

to fire off if in skscene rather uiviewcontroller?

to so, make use of nsnotificationcenter

1: in viewdidload() add

nsnotificationcenter.defaultcenter().addobserver(self, selector: "facebook", name: "facebookshare", object: nil) 

2: in method whereby want pass function uiviewcontroller toskscene

nsnotificationcenter.defaultcenter().postnotificationname("facebookshare", object: nil) 


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