Symfony 2 - Getting values from config.yml to SomeController.php (not defined issue) -

here case. config.yml contains fallowing set:

... framework:     #esi:             ~     translator:      { fallbacks: ["%locale%"] }     secret:          "%secret%"     router:         resource: "%kernel.root_dir%/config/routing.yml"         strict_requirements: ~     form:            ~     csrf_protection: ~     validation:      { enable_annotations: true }     templating:         engines: ['twig']         #assets_version: someversionscheme     default_locale:  "%locale%"     ... 

i trying access value of default_locale in controller with:

... $this->container->getparameter('framework.default_locale'); ... 

but wont work... idea why prompts me value not defined?


try $this->container->getparameter('locale');

locale must defined in parameters.yml


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