python - Geopandas Spatial Joins - unable to import -

i gis work in python using combination of pandas , arcpy. heard of geopandas , interested in learning use alternative arcpy basic geoprocessing operations (spatial joining points polygons, intersecting polygons, etc).

i've installed geopandas , dependencies (gdal, shapely, fiona, , pyproj).

i found geopandas tutorial on spatial joins (, i've been trying follow under "spatial joins between 2 geodataframes".

the first 4 lines import necessary modules:

import os  shapely.geometry import point geopandas import geodataframe, read_file import overlay 

3 of these lines run successfully, 4th not. receive following import error: "importerror: no module named tools"

any suggestions going wrong? error installation of dependencies?

thanks help!

geopandas 0.1.0 latest documented release of geopandas released on 13 jul 2014 not contain tools package according github

you should install latest version of geopandas or pull repo github , build yourself.


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