python - How to extract Information? -

objective: trying project on natural language processing (nlp), want extract information , represent in graphical form.


  1. i considering news article input project.
  2. removing unwanted data in input & making in clean format.
  3. performing nlp & extracting information/knowledge
  4. representing information/knowledge in graphical format.

is possible?

if want use nltk, can start here. has explanation tokenizing, part of speech tagging, parsing , more.

check page example of named entity detection using nltk.

the graphical representation can performed using igraph or matplotlib.

also, scikit-learn has great text feature extraction methods, in case want run more sophisticated models.


  1. very well explained. I would like to thank you for the efforts you had made for writing this awesome article. This article inspired me to read more. keep it up.
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