php - Laravel Database many:one relation -

i'm learning laravel , building small blog application practice.

i have 'posts' table following structure:

id:int ai post:text author:int 

and comments table following structure:

id:int ai comment:text author:int post:int 

where post field in comments table meant link comment post.

now, in order add comment, add form in show.blade.php file in views/posts directory , point store@commentscontroller metod. hidden field of view automatically populated post's id, store method in comments controlelr like:


(i'd have defined relations between tables in model fiels, , $comment $comment = comment::create($comment_data_from_form) )

that , well, however, wondering if laravel had nicer way of passing id of post post view comments controller having specify , populate hidden field?

you use route post id parameter.

to create new comment post use route following.{id}/comments 

and in controller

public function store($postid) {     $post = post::findorfail($postid);     ...     $post->comments->save($comment); } 


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