ios - List of images with their properties -

my problem: in app there lot of images. have list of categories user can choose filtering images chosen category. user can't delete/edit these images, , can't add smth in it, guess don't need core data.

so question is: how , in project should store , manage images' names properties, use list files' names , properties viewcontroller?

finally, if didn't it: should this: "imagename.jpg", category: "somecategory") "imagename2.jpg", category: "anothercategory") 

thank you.

if want store images under nsdocuments susbfolder , think can without using database , core data .

let's think scenerio based on model view controller(mvc) structure:

you want store images special properties nsstring *categories , nsstring *filepath under nsfilemanager subfolder . encode object , convert nsdata. need model class(it's subclass of nsobject) keeps properties. need learn how save file documents path. this blog it's objective c. model , image object.

create view shows images uicollectionview (just example) , collect them image object. modify how want!

create controller class , actions here. saving image path, getting image path, uibutton actions etc... add view class,decode nsdata your image object show it.

this logic of example, can according necessities.

the way should following saving image data nsdocuments , search it. advice learn mvc stucture

hope give idea start.


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