sorting - How to sort data 2 times simultaneously in C/C++ -

i want sort data of file 2 times :

  1. according weather,
  2. according day.

now here's crunch : want sort data first weather, , keep static(constant) & sort according day.

example : data file contains :

sunday humid  wednesday hot  friday rainy  saturday dry  monday wet  tuesday dry  thursday cloudy 

so after dual sorting looks :

thursday cloudy  tuesday dry  saturday dry  wednesday hot  sunday humid  friday rainy  monday wet 

i have tried many things, , nothing worked ~sighs~ have been busy on 12-15 days :/

i'm working in c language, & here's code :

#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h>  int main(){            typedef struct {                            char day[10], weather[10];                           } daydata;  daydata record[30],temp; file *fp,*ft; char line[121];  char *item; int reccount =0, k, i, j, n=0,ch;   fp = fopen("we.txt","r");  while(fgets(line,120,fp)) {      item = strtok(null," ");     strcpy(record[reccount].day,item);      item = strtok(null,"\n");     strcpy(record[reccount].weather,item);      printf("%s\n",record[reccount].day);     reccount++; }  fclose(fp);  printf("weather record \n\n"); for(k=0;k<reccount;k++) { printf("it %s\n",record[k].weather); }      fp = fopen("we.txt","r");     ft = fopen("sort.txt","w");      while(fgets(lyne,120,fp) != null)             {                 n++;             }      for(i=0;i<n;i++)         fscanf(fp,"%s%s",record[i].day,record[i].weather);      {     ch=0;     (j=0; j<n-1; j++){         if (strcmp(record[j].weather, record[j + 1].weather) > 0) {         temp = record[j];         record[j] = record[j + 1];         record[j + 1] = temp;             ch=1;         }      } } while (ch);    (i = 0; < n; i++) {   fprintf(ft,"\n %s \t %s",record[i].day,record[i].weather); }  fclose(fp); fclose(ft);  return 0; } 

this extremely trivial, write comparator compares weather, , if that's equal, compares day instead:

int compare(s *a, s* b) {   int res = strcmp(a->weather, b->weather);   return res==0 ? strcmp(a->day, b->day) : res;  } 

this can't have possibly taken two weeks.


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