mongodb - java get field value -
{ "_id" : 0, "cityname" : "tallinn", "jan" : -3 } { "_id" : 1, "cityname" : "beijing", "jan" : -5 } { "_id" : 2, "cityname" : "berlin", "jan" : 12 } { "_id" : 3, "cityname" : "buenose", "jan" : 23 }
i want calculate distance between tallinn other cities , beijing other cities continue entire document
this java code
try { basicdbobject query = new basicdbobject(); basicdbobject select = new basicdbobject(); select.put("jan",1); select.put("_id",1); dbcursor cursor = coll.find(query,select); basicdbobject obj = (basicdbobject); int m,id; id=integer.parseint(obj.getstring("_id")); (int j=0;j<4;j++){ m= integer.parseint(obj.getstring("jan")); if (id==j){ while (cursor.hasnext()) { int ma; basicdbobject object = (basicdbobject); ma= integer.parseint(object.getstring("jan")); system.out.print((m-ma)+" "); } } } } catch (mongoexception e){ system.out.println(e.getclass().getcanonicalname()); }
2 -9 -26
i expect type of output
0 2 -15 -26 -2 0 -17 -28 15 17 0 -11 26 28 11 0
first should find out distinct cityname
, find jan
of given city
iterate on data , subtract value.
check below code :
mongo mongo = new mongo("localhost", 27017); db db = mongo.getdb("dbname"); dbcollection collection = db.getcollection("collectionname"); list distinctcity = collection.distinct("cityname"); for(int = 0; < distinctcity.size(); i++) { basicdbobject query = new basicdbobject(); query.put("cityname", distinctcity.get(i)); basicdbobject project = new basicdbobject(); project.put("jan", 1); project.put("_id", 0); dbcursor cursordoc = collection.find(query, project); while(cursordoc.hasnext()) { basicdbobject object = (basicdbobject); integer currentvalue = object.getint("jan"); dbcursor alldata = collection.find(new basicdbobject(), project); while(alldata.hasnext()) { basicdbobject alldataobject = (basicdbobject); integer alldatajanvalue = alldataobject.getint("jan"); integer result = currentvalue - alldatajanvalue; system.out.print(" " + result + " "); } system.out.println(); } } }
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