performancecounter - Performance Measurement - Get Average call time per function. Intel Vtune Amplifier -

i'm trying average time takes each function run. means want the: "total time inside function" / "number of calls function"

i'm getting sorts of information when run analysis within vtune. these settings i'm using:

basic hotspot settings

and also:

advanced hotspot settings

but can't find average time is. can see total-time per function can't find call count.

using visual studio 2012, vtune amplifier xe 2013, update 9.

please help.

1) have run "advanced hotspots" analysis configured shown in second screen-shot. "basic hotspots" not provide call count information.

2) once completed "advanced hotspots" - can find statistical (approximate) call count in bottom-up view shown in screen-shot below:

enter image description here

finally, make sure have "loops , functions" mode selected @ bottom right side of gui (it's true default, knows options did play with).

3) in order figure out total time , self-time don't forget make sure changed "viewpoint" "hotspots" (see area highlighed in green in first screen-shot , see next picture). enter image description here

4) starting 2016 release parallel studio has

  • "precise loop call count , trip count"
  • "precise function call count"

measurement tool (as total, self , elapsed time , lots of simd-parallelism related analysis) available in "intel (a ka "vectorization") advisor", see more info here: enter image description here


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