mysql - rake db:migrate runs in development AWS Beanstalk -

i'm new beanstalk. i've created rails application , set database production configuration use environment variables provided aws. i'm using mysql (mysql2 gem), , want use rds , passenger (i have no preference there).

on development environment can run rails application local mysql (it basic application i've created experimentation). have added passenger gem gemfile , bundled, i'm using webbrick in development still.

the thing did not book did not use 'eb' rather tried console. application/environment failed run while "rake db:migrate" still thinks wanted connect local mysql (i guess logs not aware of rack_env , hence uses 'development').

any tip? can of course try next 'eb', yet prefer work console.

regards, oren

have tried run

    bin/rake db:migrate rails_env=development 

? got same issue , worked me.


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