java - JPA find() and refresh() without shared cache -

i wonder if these methods equivalent when shared cache disabled:

@stateless public class entityservice {     @persistencecontext     private entitymanager em;      public <t> t findentity1(class<t> clazz, long id)     {         return em.find(clazz, id);     }      public <t> t findentity2(class<t> clazz, long id)     {         t entity = em.find(clazz, id);         em.refresh(entity);         return entity;     } } 

these methods never called inside existing transaction. db exclusively accessed application using jpa , no trigger/stored procedure/other defined.

my guess equivalent, because:

  • em.find() search shared cache (l2), it's empty (disabled)
  • em.find() search own cache (l1), it's empty (no previous transaction = em new)
  • em.find() access db
  • em.refresh() access db second time, in scenario entity same

did miss something?


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