logging - Source code link in log in NetBeans IDE / Java -

when program prints stack trace in netbeans ide, example this:

exception in thread "main" java.lang.runtimeexception: not implemented yet     @ app.app.main(app.java:202) 

the "app.java:202" part link. when click it, directs me file , line.

i in own logs. printing doesn't work me.

my not functional log line example:

2015/06/01 10:27:19.197 (dbconnection.java:119) executequery  .... 


stacktraceelement s = thread.currentthread().getstacktrace()[1]; system.out.printf("%s.%s(%s:%s)%n", s.getclassname(), s.getmethodname(),s.getfilename(), s.getlinenumber()); 

new problem:

if print this:

app.app.runtests(app.java:128)  th_id:1,main   warn  null database.dbvaluescache.run(dbvaluescache.java:153) ....  

.. first link works.

what now?


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