c# - Mapping complex DTOs to entities with automapper -
i want map
ldtticketuploaddto[] ienumerable<ldtticket>
the mappings created in method , @ end map data.
public void uploadldttickets(ldtticketuploaddto[] ticketdtos) { mapper.createmap<ldtticketuploaddto, ldtticket>(); mapper.createmap<ldtticketdto, ldtticket>(); mapper.createmap<ldtcustomerdto, ldtcustomer>(); mapper.createmap<ldtdevicedto, ldtdevice>(); mapper.createmap<ldtunitdto, ldtunit>(); mapper.createmap<ldtcommanddto, ldtcommand>(); mapper.createmap<ldtcommandparameterdto, ldtcommandparameter>(); mapper.createmap<ldtobjectdto, ldtobject>(); mapper.createmap<ldtcontrolfiledto, ldtcontrolfile>(); mapper.createmap<ldtdevicedto, ldtdevice>(); mapper.createmap<ldtlanguagedto, ldtlanguage>(); mapper.createmap<ldtobjectbitdto, ldtobjectbit>(); var tickets = mapper.map<ienumerable<ldtticketuploaddto>, ienumerable<ldtticket>>(ticketdtos); // tickets }
this how dto´s structured:
public class ldtticketuploaddto { public ldtticketdto ticket { get; set; } public ldtdevicedto device { get; set; } public ldtcustomerdto customer { get; set; } } public enum ticketstatus { new, inprogress, done } public class ldtticketdto { public bool uploadneeded { get; set; } public string ticketnumber { get; set; } public ticketstatus status { get; set; } public string createdby { get; set; } public datetime createdon { get; set; } public string assignedto { get; set; } public ienumerable<ldtunitdto> units { get; set; } } public class ldtunitdto { public int id { get; set; } public string functionunit { get; set; } public int functionunitaddress { get; set; } public string zone { get; set; } public int zoneunitaddress { get; set; } public string object { get; set; } public int objectaddress { get; set; } public ienumerable<ldtcommanddto> commands { get; set; } } , more...
what works these properties correctly mapped counterpart entities:
public ldtdevicedto device { get; set; } public ldtcustomerdto customer { get; set; }
what works not property not mapped:
public ldtticketdto ticket { get; set; }
this how entities structured:
public class ldtticket { [key, column(order = 0)] [required] public string serialnumber { get; set; } [key, column(order = 1)] [required] public string ticketnumber { get; set; } [required] public datetime createdon { get; set; } [required] public string assignedto { get; set; } public ticketstatus status { get; set; } public string createdby { get; set; } public bool uploadneeded { get; set; } public virtual ldtcustomer customer { get; set; } public virtual ldtdevice device { get; set; } public virtual icollection<ldtunit> units { get; set; } }
only customer , device property mapped in ldtticket
what wrong configuration?
it's expecting populate ldtticket sub-property on ticket, not matching properties of ticket itself. create direct mappings onto ticket ticket
subproperty of source directly onto matching properties of destination. note: need define mappings once, not per method execution. mappings should defined @ app start , thereafter used.
public void uploadldttickets(ldtticketuploaddto[] ticketdtos) { mapper.createmap<ldtticketuploaddto, ldtticket>(); .formember(d => d.serialnumber, m => m.mapfrom(s => s.ticket.serialnumber)) ... //mapper.createmap<ldtticketdto, ldtticket>(); don't need mapper.createmap<ldtcustomerdto, ldtcustomer>(); mapper.createmap<ldtdevicedto, ldtdevice>(); ... }
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