jquery - Menu transition while resizing -
the issue have given on following pen
i have working menu. in mobile width (<700px) , in normal browser (>1170px).
if refresh pen on sizes, , click on menu item, works fine. on either sizes.
however on resize, part of toggle function control animation not working should. code inside header_toggle()
$menu_toggle.on('click', function (e) { if ($(window).width()<960) { $(this).toggleclass('mobile_open'); if ($(this).hasclass('mobile_open')) { $navigation.fadein().animate({width: '70%'},250); } else{ $navigation.animate({width: '0' },250).fadeout(); } } else{ $(this).toggleclass('open'); if ($(this).hasclass('open')) { $breadcrumbs_bar.toggle('slide', {direction: 'up'}, 250, function () { $navigation.toggle('slide', {direction: 'down'}, 250).css('display', 'inline-block'); }); } else { $navigation.toggle('slide', {direction: 'down'}, 250, function () { $breadcrumbs_bar.toggle('slide', {direction: 'up'}, 250).css('display', 'inline-block'); }); } } e.preventdefault(); });
it's on resize, when you're inside function, if statements not working time? workaround?
my biggest concern if on tablet, , flip it, , right in between resolutions, issue happen.
on sizes above 960 px animation happens slide , down, , class toggles open
, below have fade , width animation, , class toggle mobile_open
just doing css out of option, because slide , down animation css (using transform
property) works if have overflow hidden container, if have drop down menu, overflow should visible.
on resize code:
$(window).on('resize',function(){ toggle_menu(); header_toggle(); if ($(window).width()>767) { if ($main_header.has($navigation)) { $navigation.detach().appendto('.menu_wrapper'); } } else{ $navigation.detach().prependto('body'); } });
the fiddle has jquery code.
i got finished writing menu similar trying do.
take @ codepen: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/yxzgyr
function check if window in mobile resolution.
function add / remove class navbar on page load , when window resize.
i included settimeout function runs when window done resizing.
hopefully helps idea of how mobile / desktop navbar/menu.
$(document).ready(function() { function ismobile() { if (window.innerwidth < 767) { return true; } } setmenutype(); function setmenutype() { if (ismobile()) { $('nav').removeclass('desktop'); $('nav').addclass('mobile'); } else { $('nav').removeclass('mobile'); $('nav').addclass('desktop'); } } var resizeid; $(window).resize(function() { cleartimeout(resizeid); resizeid = settimeout(setmenutype(), 500); }); });
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