Access Enum in javascript from JSON object -
i have json object came rest service. on server , on front end i've declared constants have same name complement each other.
they share data, each constant has things relevant either front end or end. on front end, preferred way map front end constant end constant?
on backend, buildingtype
enum. in json object below, first field buildingtype
{buildingtype: "cannon", hp: 100, level: 1, location: object, name: "cannon"}
here javascript code map front end version of constant
var imagemetadata = eval("clashalytics.images." + building.buildingtype); // in case, eval same var imagemetadata = clashalytics.images.cannon;
i'm java developer primarily, fyi.
use array-like notation.
eval("clashalytics.images." + building.buildingtype)
is equivalent
you define getter so
function getconst(target, path) { return target[path]; }
and use it
getconst(clashalytics.images, building.buildingtype)
don't use eval needlessly!
eval() dangerous function, executes code it's passed privileges of caller. if run eval() string affected malicious party, may end running malicious code on user's machine permissions of webpage / extension. more importantly, third party code can see scope in eval() invoked, can lead possible attacks in ways similar function not susceptible.
eval() slower alternatives, since has invoke js interpreter, while many other constructs optimized modern js engines.
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