java - How to build only once using Maven for CI -

im reading continius delivery , in book author says crucial build binarys once, , use same binarys every deployment. im having problem understanding how can done in practice? examaple in order run mocked unit tests there special build? im refering scope tag in maven.

if @ maven life cycle you'll see have 1 compile task. tests, compiled , executed right after source compilation. mocked unit tests, same : 2 separated compilation 2 objectives.

i think author of book refers problem may appear when deploy automatically on several environment : create more environment debug. compulsory have 1 final binary environment. if have several binaries split on environment, can assured forget difference there between 2 of them, argument give first 1 , not other. continuous delivery, has same everywhere.

let's come on maven. maven has lot of possibilities during life cycle. you'll have run several build complete (as code coverage example). may useful in continuous integration process , can done through different build type (every hour unit test, everyday code coverage, quality analysis , integration tests).

but in end, when you'll enter continuous delivery, you'll build 1 final binary, 1 unique binary copy on environment


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