python - How to interfacing -

this code use controlling led using ultrasound sensor (hc-sr04). when upload arduino, set red led on , green led off(default). furhtermore, if put in front of sensor in radius 20cm green led turn on , red led off. if take it, it'll set default.

#define trigpin 8 #define echopin 7 #define ledred 11 //red #define ledgreen 12 //green void setup() {   serial.begin (9600);   pinmode(trigpin, output);   pinmode(echopin, input);   pinmode(ledred, output);   pinmode(ledgreen, output); } void loop() {   long duration, distance;   digitalwrite(trigpin, low);  // added line   delaymicroseconds(2); // added line   digitalwrite(trigpin, high);   //  delaymicroseconds(1000); - removed line   delaymicroseconds(10); // added line   digitalwrite(trigpin, low);   duration = pulsein(echopin, high);   distance = (duration/2) / 29.1; //formula distance in cm    //default led condition   digitalwrite(ledred,high);    digitalwrite(ledgreen,low);    if (distance <20) {  // led on/off happens     digitalwrite(ledred,low); // when red condition met, green led should turn off     digitalwrite(ledgreen,high);   }   serial.print(distance);    delay(1000); } 

need more help, how controll in python. using pyserial or pyfirmata library simply?


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