load a downloadable link into a browser in android -

i have downloadable link https://drive.google.com/uc?id=0bw6vr2lnxb3iufjrtk5ozdljata&export=download works on browser.

if open link using mobile browser using this

intent intent = new intent(intent.action_view, uri);                         intent.setflags(intent.flag_activity_no_history);                         startactivity(intent); 

then automatically download file.

is possible download file using webview instead of default browser??

i tried

    public class showdownload extends activity { private webview webview;    @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {     super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);     setcontentview(r.layout.show_download);       bundle extras = getintent().getextras();      if (extras.getstring("url") != null) {     //do          string url=extras.getstring("url");         toast.maketext(getapplicationcontext(), "__", toast.length_short).show();          webview = (webview) findviewbyid(r.id.webview1);         webview.loadurl(url);         webview.setdownloadlistener(new downloadlistener() {                             public void ondownloadstart(string url, string useragent,                         string contentdisposition, string mimetype,                         long contentlength) {          request request = new request(                                     uri.parse(url));          toast.maketext(getapplicationcontext(), " yesssss", toast.length_short).show();                             request.allowscanningbymediascanner();                             request.setnotificationvisibility(downloadmanager.request.visibility_visible_notify_completed);                             request.setdestinationinexternalpublicdir(environment.directory_downloads, "download");                              downloadmanager dm = (downloadmanager) getsystemservice(download_service);                             dm.enqueue(request);                          }             });      }     } 


i tired lot cant solution ? can 1 me solve issue ??

if want have in app download manager, refer post. provides detailed info various download options. https://stackoverflow.com/a/3028660


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