python - How to download previous version of Werkzeug -

how download previous version of werkzeug trusted site?

here have tried:

1) went link: , clicked on "download page" link.

it took me 0.10.4 download page.

2) googled "werkzeug download 0.9" , got references 0.10. there download link site don't know if can trust.

i need download previous version because 0.10.x dropped support support openssl.

[edit] have download rather install pip because don't have access pip on old machine installing on. old, hence complications.

[edit] had use older version because 0.10.x dropped support openssl package in favor of ssl built python 2.7.9. stuck on python 2.7.5 wanted continue use openssl package. think made right decision drop support majority of people can upgrade 2.7.9.

you can install old package pip:

  pip install werkzeug==0.9.6 


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