javascript - How to show value bottom of angular gauge chart in fusion chart? -

i'm trying find option show dial value @ bottom of angular gauge chart. i'm using fusion charts xt. don't find option show dial value @ different places. default it's showing in middle of angular gauge chart.

refer below images

angular gauge

you can see in left image, want dial value 87 @ bottom of chart. i'm trying achieve gradient color of gauge chart same image can see @ right side. i'm trying understand how gaugefillmix , gaugefillratio works.

here jsfiddle on i'm working.

any appriciated.

to show value below dial can use "valuebelowpivot" attribute , set 1. refer fiddle:


for gaugefillmix , fillratio can check out gauges fusioncharts gallery, can find json/xml of chart.


hope help.



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