Unable to see Checkout Option in Clearcase explorer for a development view -

after creating view in clearcase project explorer, trying add projects developement view through clearcase explorer, not finding option "add source control" while right clicking projects i've added. please out here

you must check if sources of project in created view:

  • either in c:/path/to/my/view/vobtag (snpashot view)
  • or in m:/myview/vobtag (dynamic view)

if not, need clearfsimport of folder sources view.

see "how can use clearcase “add source control …” recursively?"

clearfsimport -preview -rec -nset c:\path\to\sourcedir\* c:\tests\avobtag 

now when want check out projects right clicking, getting "search" option, want see other options ex:checkout

those sources not yet added source control.
checkout available if sources first added source control.

instead of pasting sources directly in view, best clearfsimport of sources (stored elsewhere) view, described above.


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