json - What does N in jsonFormatN in spray mean? -

i'm looking @ code of "akka , spray" tutorial in typesafe's activator, written eigengo. not jsonformat1, jsonformat2, ... jsonformatn defined , how does.

implicit val sendmessageformat = jsonformat2(sendmessage)

the above snippet in scala > api > messengerservice.scala

thank you.

basically, n in jsonformatn denotes number of parameters of class trying marshall/unmarshall.

an excerpt link posted ashalynd:

the jsonformatx methods reduce boilerplate minimum, pass right 1 companion object of case class , return ready-to-use jsonformat type (the right 1 one matching number of arguments case class constructor, e.g. if case class has 13 fields need use jsonformat13 method).


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