confusion with Java programming -

i have started learning core java , 1 particular thing driving me crazy. know how create object


mouse mouse = new mouse (); 

however don't understand whether these objects too:

connection conn = drivermanager.getconnection(url, user, password); statement st = conn.createstatement(); resultset rs1 = st.executequery(""); 

if not - they? appreciate if can clear confusion.

yes, conn, st, , rs1 in samples objects, mouse. creating mouse constructor, so:

mouse mouse = new mouse() 

but add static method mouse create new instance of mouse, drivermanager.getconnection(url, user, password); returns new instance of statement. example:

public class mouse {      public mouse() { }      public static mouse createnewmouse() {          return new mouse();     }   } 

then instead of using constructor

mouse mouse = mouse.createnewmouse(); 

in case of mouse class, there no reason use static method that. of comments have mentioned, however, there called factory method design pattern can hide of complexity of instantiating complex objects.


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