symfony - Symfony2 security session ending and no redirection -

i have problem in symfony2 project. sometimes, when i'm logged in, disconnected on random intervals of time, 2 hours, 2 minutes later.

but real problem i'm not redirected login form. i'm displaying name of logged user in layout file, , error :

impossible access attribute ("member") on string variable ("anon.") in appbundle:layout:top_menu.html.twig @ line 25  

when wild forced logout.

here security.yml file

security: providers:     insiders:         entity:             class: interne\securitybundle\entity\user             property: username  encoders:     interne\securitybundle\entity\user: plaintext  firewalls:      interne:         pattern:   ^/         anonymous: ~         form_login:             login_path: /login             check_path: /login_check             default_target_path: /interne          logout:             path:   /logout             target: /login   access_control:     - { path: ^/interne, roles: role_admin} 

any appreciated ! lot !

use in top_menu:

{% if is_granted('is_authenticated_fully') %}     <p>username: {{ app.user.username }}</p> {% endif %}


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