Unicode Tagging in Python NLTK -

i working on python nltk tagging program. input file hindi text containing several lines. on tokenizing text , using pos_tag output nn tag only. english sentence input proper tagging. kindly help. version - python 3.4.1, nltk 3.0 documentation

kindly help! here tried.

word_to_be_tagged = u"ताजो स्वास आनी चकचकीत दांत तुमचें व्यक्तीमत्व परजळायतात."

from nltk.corpus import indian  train_data = indian.tagged_sents('hindi.pos')[:300]  test_data = indian.tagged_sents('hindi.pos')[301:]   print(word_to_be_tagged) print (train_data) 

and output different.

ताजो स्वास आनी चकचकीत दांत तुमचें व्यक्तीमत्व परजळायतात. [[('पूर्ण', 'jj'), ('प्रतिबंध', 'nn'), ('हटाओ', 'vfm'), (':', 'sym'), ('इराक', 'nnp')], [('संयुक्त', 'nnc'), ('राष्ट्र', 'nn'), ('।', 'sym')], ...] 

the problem should use hindi pos tagger:

from nltk.corpus import indian nltk.tag import tnt  train_data = indian.tagged_sents('hindi.pos') tnt_pos_tagger = tnt.tnt() tnt_pos_tagger.train(train_data) #training tnt part of speech tagger hindi data  print tnt_pos_tagger.tag(nltk.word_tokenize(word_to_be_tagged)) 

the problem part of speech tagger accurate in specific domain (mostly combination of language , topic). in english, of words tagger haven't seen yet nouns (nn), tags data nn only.

if train same domain want tag after (hindi), should ok.

see this more explanations.


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