.net - Using R.NET with multiple AppDomains -

is possible use r.net multiple appdomains? @ end of documentation there reference "multiple app domains", no further information.

the scenario have trading system ide. each time trading system run, new appdomain created run in, assembly can unloaded, , code can modified , recompiled later. user is reporting when tries use r.net system, works first time runs after hangs , has restart development environment.

is there way clean r.net connection new 1 can later created in different appdomain, or other way deal this?

the root of problem there clash between appdomains in .net world (presumably because trading platform uses them isolated sandboxes) , there can 1 r engine per process, initializable once. issue has arisen - see this feature request more background.

r.net work around cross domain gymnastic, complicated , may defeat purpose of app domain isolation. 1 r engine per process non-negotiable thing far know.


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