java - Play Framework Compilation Error -

i'm using play 2.4.0 , i've been trying follow tutorial main page: play 2.3 , after solving couple of issues regarding changes in ebean orm version 2.3 2.4, i'm stuck following error:

compilation error  value @ not member of controllers.reverseassets 

my index.scala.html:

@(message: string)  @main("welcome play") {      <script type='text/javascript' src=""javascripts/index.js")"></script>      <form action="@routes.application.addperson()" method="post">         <input type="text" name="name" />         <button>add person</button>     </form>      <ul id="persons">     </ul> } 

and routes file:

# routes # file defines application routes (higher priority routes first) # ~~~~  # home page         /                    controllers.application.index()  post        /person              controllers.application.addperson()          /persons             controllers.application.getpersons()  # map static resources /public folder /assets url path         /assets/*file        controllers.assets.versioned(path="/public", file: asset) 

i have same example working ok play 2.3.9

and can't see different working public assets in docs 2.4.0:

so... appreciated.

alright, sum solution: play lets serve assets in 2 different ways. old fashioned , new fingerprinted method introduced sbt-web. in either case make sure use right call in view files:

fingerprinted assets

this recommended way serve assets in play. fingerprinted assets make use of aggressive caching strategy. can read more topic here:

routes config:

get     /assets/*file               controllers.assets.versioned(path="/public", file: asset) 

make sure type of file indicated asset

call in views:


old fashioned assets

this method used before introduction of sbt-web.

routes config:

get     /assets/*file     "/public", file) 

call in views:"an_asset") 


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