ios - CAShapeLayer strokeColor from image pattern UIColor to CGColor upside down -

i'm using cabasicanimation draw uibezierpaths have in array using cashapelayer

cashapelayer *shapelayer = [cashapelayer layer];     shapelayer.path = [path cgpath]; shapelayer.strokecolor = path.color.cgcolor; 

my path.color uicolor image pattern. when converted cgcolor image pattern upside down. know because ios , core graphics use different starting points drawing.

i have tried

shapelayer.transform = catransform3dmakerotation(m_pi, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); 


shapelayer.geometryflipped = yes; 

but none of them worked.

how flip strokecolor image pattern 180 degree match origin uicolor?

as have correctly suspected, coordinate system differs. in case, origin @ bottom left @ (0, 0).

so compensate either flip image using image editor or in code so:

uiimage *flippedpatternimage = [uiimage imagewithcgimage:patternimage.cgimage scale:1.0f orientation:uiimageorientationleftmirrored];  uicolor *colorwithimagepattern = [uicolor colorwithpatternimage:flippedpatternimage]; 

and assign strokecolor:

shapelayer.strokecolor = path.color.cgcolor; 


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