Windows bat file remove all file and folder excluding some file and folder -

i want delete files , folder in directory excluding file , folder in bat file.

i need keep these file, update.bat foldername , other should deleted directory,

i wrote .bat file seems foldername deleted directory, rest working fine.

can tell wrong below script?

attrib +r update.bat attrib +r attrib +r foldername /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b') (rmdir "%%i" /s/q || del "%%i" /s/q) attrib -r update.bat attrib -r attrib -r foldername 

thanks haris

you misunderstanding how "read only" works folders in windows. it's not fault. it's misleading label. "read only" on folder makes files within folder read only, but not folder itself.


setting folder read-only makes files in folder read-only. not affect folder itself.

my apologies quoting vista documentation, wasn't able find similar page folders windows 7. mentioned in ui though:

read setting

how work around this?

we going set system attribute well.

attrib +r update.bat attrib +r attrib +r +s foldername /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b') (rmdir "%%i" /s/q || del "%%i" /s/q) attrib -r update.bat attrib -r attrib -r -s foldername 

example utilization:

before running update, directory contains following:

<dir>   foldername         new bitmap image.bmp <dir>   new folder         new microsoft word document.docx         new text document (2).txt         new text document (3).txt         new text document.txt         update.bat 

after executing update.bat, directory looks this:

<dir>   foldername         update.bat 


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