batch file - Multiplying error: * was unexpected at this time -

i got problem. making game module in batch , got strange error:

multiplying error "*!map_playerlengthx! unexpected @ time"

this whole code:

@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion  pause >nul cls call :map_defineplayer 4 2 loloolol echo %px1y1%%px2y1%%px3y1%%px4y1% echo %px1y2%%px2y2%%px3y2%%px4y2% pause >nul  ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: map v0.10 kkziomek :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :map_init set map_running=1 goto :eof :map_load if !map_running!==0 goto :eof set map_load_filetoload=%~1 set map_load_borderx=%~2 set map_load_bordery=%~3 set map_load_bchar=%~4 set map_load_linetotal=0 /f "tokens=* delims= usebackq" %%l in (!map_load_filetoload!) (     set /a map_load_linetotal+=1     set map_line!map_load_linetotal!=%%l ) :map_load_applycoords /l %%g in (1,1,!map_load_linetotal!) (     call :map_load_strlen map_line%%g map_line%%g_len     set /a map_load_applycoords_decidedlen+=!map_line%%g_len! ) set /a map_load_applycoords_decidedlen/=!map_load_linetotal! /l %%y in (1,1,!map_load_linetotal!) (     /l %%x in (1,1,!map_load_applycoords_decidedlen!) (         set x%%xy%%y=!map_line%%y:~%%x,1!     ) ) goto :eof :map_load_strlen setlocal disabledelayedexpansion set map_load_strlen_len=0 if defined %~1 /f "delims=:" %%n in (   '"(cmd /v:on /c echo(!%~1!&echo()|findstr /o ^^"' ) set /a "map_load_strlen_len=%%n-3" endlocal & if "%~2" neq "" (set %~2=%map_load_strlen_len%) else echo %map_load_strlen_len% exit /b :map_display cls /l %%y in (1,1,!map_load_linetotal!) (     set map_display_line%%y=     /l %%x in (1,1,!map_load_applycoords_decidedlen!) (         set map_display_line%%y=!map_display_line%%y!!x%%xy%%y!     ) ) /l %%z in (1,1,!map_load_linetotal!) (     echo !map_display_line%%z! ) goto :eof :map_reloadpos set xpos=%~1 set ypos=%~2 set x!xpos!y!ypos!=!map_line%ypos%:~%xpos%,1! goto :eof :map_defineplayer set map_playerlengthx=%~1 set map_playerwidthy=%~2 set map_defineplayer_scheme=%~3 set /a map_defineplayer_modifier=!map_playerlengthx!-1 /l %%p in (1,1,!map_playerwidthy!) (     /l %%q in (0,1,!map_defineplayer_modifier!) (         set /a localq=%%q+1         set /a modq=%%q+((%%p-1)*!map_playerlengthx!)         set px%localq%y%%p=!map_defineplayer_scheme:~%modq%,1!     ) ) ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 

i error in function :map_defineplayer. think it's in line: set /a modq=%%q+((%%p-1)*!map_playerlengthx!)

every function works fine instead of function because of weird multiplying error. tried enbling delayed expansion again, changing !map_playerlengthx! %map_playerlengthx% changed error in *4 unexpected @ time

anyone has idea causes , how fix it?

try :

set /a "modq=%%q+((%%p-1)*!map_playerlengthx!)" 

the brackets in expression taken closing brackets for loop


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