matlab - Problems with matrix indexing using for loop and if condition -
i indexing, follows:
for c=1:size(params,1) d=1:size(data,2) if params(c,8)==1 value1(c,d)=data(params(c,11),d); elseif params(c,8)==2 value2(c,d)=data(params(c,11),d); elseif params(c,8)==3 value3(c,d)=data(params(c,11),d); end end end
the problems if have params(:,8)=1,3,1,3,2,3,1...
value1 contain zeros in rows 2, 4, 5, 6, etc. these rows not have 1 in column 8 in params
. similarly, value2 contains zeros in rows 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7... , value3 contain zeros in row 1, 3, 5, 7, .... tell me how index don't have 'gaps' of zeros in between rows? thanks!
edit; below sample dataset:
data (1080x15 double)
168 432 45 86 170 437 54 82 163 423 52 83 178 434 50 84 177 444 42 87 177 444 58 85 175 447 48 77 184 451 59 86 168 455 52 104 174 437 62 88 175 443 55 85 179 456 51 92 168 450 73 82 175 454 60 68
params (72x12 double - interested in column 8 , 11 ) i'm showing column 8-11 sake of space:
1 10 15 1 3 12 16 16 2 10 15 32 3 12 16 47 1 8 14 63 2 10 15 77 2 8 14 92 3 10 15 106 1 12 16 121 3 8 14 137 2 10 15 151
the expected output value1, value2, , value3 should 24x15. because there 15 columns in data , value 1, 2, 3 occur 24 times each in column 8 in params
you can use bsxfun
avoid for-loop (note not vertorizing):
value1 = bsxfun(@times,data(params(:,11),:),(params(:,8)==1)); value2 = bsxfun(@times,data(params(:,11),:),(params(:,8)==2)); value3 = bsxfun(@times,data(params(:,11),:),(params(:,8)==3));
but still gives results 0 rows. can remove zero-rows by:
value1(all(value1==0,2),:)=[]; value2(all(value2==0,2),:)=[]; value3(all(value3==0,2),:)=[];
you can use above commands remove zero-rows in results without using bsxfun
. not loose transparency.
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