javascript - Ease effect when Page loaded -

i want logo have following saturation effect ease-out once page loaded. possible? or works "hover"? here code:

/* css*/      #logo {         -moz-transition: 7s ease-out;           -o-transition: 7s ease-out;           -webkit-transition: 7s ease-out;           -ms-transition: 7s ease-out;           transition: 7s ease-out;         filter: saturate(120%);         -webkit-filter: saturate(120%);         -moz-filter: saturate(120%);         -o-filter: saturate(120%);         -ms-filter: saturate(120%);         cursor:default;          }        /* html */  <div id="logo">         <h4>mylogo</h4>         </div> 

of course can , why not?

for example gonna margin changing you'r logo that. make default margin-top -50px logo won't show on page , when page loaded, gonna use jquery add class logo dom.

here how :

$(document).on("ready", function () {     $("#logo").addclass("trans"); }); 

and here full fiddle :

you can take @ , of course if have further question here answer you.

good luck , have fun.


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