osx - Can't load X11 in R after OS X Yosemite upgrade, not root -

i following error message when try install packages r.

shell-init: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: no such file or directory error in setwd(cdir) : character argument expected in addition: warning message: in dotrycatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler) :   unable load shared object '/library/frameworks/r.framework/resources/modules//r_x11.so':   dlopen(/library/frameworks/r.framework/resources/modules//r_x11.so, 6): library not loaded: /opt/x11/lib/libsm.6.dylib   referenced from: /library/frameworks/r.framework/resources/modules//r_x11.so   reason: image not found error in setwd(cdir) : character argument expected 

this problem had been solved here : can't load x11 in r after os x yosemite upgrade

my problem not have root access on mac. there way solve issue without root access ?



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