java - How to report a bug in Office 365 Android SDK -

i pointed @ stack overflow microsoft support place office 365 android sdk, including how report bugs.

i'm finding call item.getdatetimelastmodified() consistently return incorrect date/time. of time, if item has been updated, return millisecond value (in gmt time zone) 2 hours , few minutes ahead of current gmt.

other date times such event.getstart()/event.getend() returning correct values.

when processing calendar events using following retrieve events:

listenablefuture<list<event>> eventsget = this.userfetcher                 .getcalendar (this.calendarid)                 .getevents ()                 .top (pagesize)                 .skip (skip)                 .select ("id")                 .filter (modfromdate)                 .orderby ("datetimelastmodified")                 .read ();  list<event> events = eventsget.get (60,                                 timeunit.seconds); 

then process events 1 @ time , using id actual event using:

this.userfetcher.getcalendar (this.calendarid).getevent (id).read ().get (60, timeunit.seconds); 

calling getdatetimelastmodified on event return strange value.

i can provide calendar/event ids if required.

as aside, notice calendar when retrieves json data event has correct last modified time.

i'm anahí office 365 sdk android team.

we've created issue problem in our github repository , start reviewing it. we'll post updates there once error fixed.

the github repo best place submit bugs/issues since we're reviewing time.



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