MongoDB C# 2 Driver -- Cannot deserialize 'String' from BsonType 'Double' -

i new mongodb. trying retrieve entries in lookup collection. receiving following error:

{"an error occurred while deserializing symbol property of class stock.models.stocklookup: cannot deserialize 'string' bsontype 'double'."}

this code receiving error on:

var stocklookups = _stocklookuprepository.getallasync().result.orderby(l => l.symbol); 

here method being called:

public async task<list<stocklookup>> getallasync()     {         var result = await _collection.find(sl => sl.symbol != null).tolistasync();         return result;     } 

here stocklookup class:

public class stocklookup {     public objectid id { get; set; }     public string symbol { get; set; }     public string name { get; set; } } 

can me figure out problem is? appreciated.


the message explained itself. defined symbol string, while in database there's document has double type symbol. it's causing deserializing issue. find out these illegal data, try:

db.stocklookup.find({symbol: {$type: 1}} 

don't if have big amount of data in collection. there's no index on , it's going slow. in case may want add other conditions filter out data before checking type.

there reference of $types. may want check how these data goes collection otherwise there more illegal data.


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