iphone - Delegating a string to a UILabel and an image to a UIImageView - Swift -

so, what's happening: have 2 controllers; mainviewcontroller , detailstableviewcontroller. on detailstableviewcontroller want write name random recipe, pick image photo library. after that, want send data cell in mainviewcontroller. code this:

import uikit import coredata  class mainviewcontroller: uiviewcontroller, uitableviewdatasource, uitableviewdelegate, senddetailstomvcdelegate {       @iboutlet weak var mainimage: uiimageview!     @iboutlet weak var tableview: uitableview!     var nameslistarray: [string] = []     var imageslistarray: [uiimage] = []      override func viewdidload() {         super.viewdidload()     }      override func viewdidappear(animated: bool) {         super.viewdidappear(animated)     }      func senddetailstomvc (name: string, image: uiimage) {         nameslistarray.append(name)         imageslistarray.append(image)     }      func tableview(tableview: uitableview, numberofrowsinsection section: int) -> int {         return nameslistarray.count     }      func tableview(tableview: uitableview, cellforrowatindexpath indexpath: nsindexpath) -> uitableviewcell {         var row = indexpath.row         var name: string = nameslistarray[row] string         var image: uiimage = imageslistarray[row] uiimage         var cell = self.tableview.dequeuereusablecellwithidentifier("customcell") as! customcelltableviewcell         cell.customlabel!.text = (name string)         cell.customimage.image = (image uiimage)         return cell      } } 


import uikit import coredata  protocol senddetailstomvcdelegate {     func senddetailstomvc(name: string, image: uiimage) }  class detailsviewcontroller: uiviewcontroller, uiimagepickercontrollerdelegate, uinavigationcontrollerdelegate, uitableviewdatasource, uitableviewdelegate, sendnametodetailsviewcontrollerdelegate {   @iboutlet weak var nametextfield: uitextfield! @iboutlet weak var recipeimage: uiimageview! @iboutlet weak var tableview: uitableview! var ingredientslist = [""] var delegatedetails: senddetailstomvcdelegate?  override func viewdidload() {     super.viewdidload()     let howtodobutton = uibarbuttonitem(title:"how do", style: uibarbuttonitemstyle.plain, target: self, action: selector("showhowtodoscreen"))     navigationitem.rightbarbuttonitem = howtodobutton     let newingredientbutton = uibarbuttonitem(title:"new ingredient", style: uibarbuttonitemstyle.plain, target:self, action: selector("shownewingredientscreen"))     navigationitem.leftbarbuttonitem = newingredientbutton      //picker imagem pelo toque     let tapgesturerecognizer: uitapgesturerecognizer = uitapgesturerecognizer(target: self, action: "chooseimage:")     tapgesturerecognizer.numberoftapsrequired = 1     recipeimage.addgesturerecognizer(tapgesturerecognizer)     recipeimage.userinteractionenabled = true  }  func tableview(tableview: uitableview, numberofrowsinsection section: int) -> int {      return ingredientslist.count }  func addnametodetailsviewcontroller(nametodetail: nsstring) {     ingredientslist.append(nametodetail string)     if tableview == nil {         return     }     tableview!.reloaddata() }  func tableview(tableview: uitableview, cellforrowatindexpath indexpath: nsindexpath) -> uitableviewcell {      let row = indexpath.row     let ingredientname = ingredientslist[row]     var cell = uitableviewcell(style: uitableviewcellstyle.default, reuseidentifier: nil)     cell.textlabel!.text = ingredientname     return cell  }  //picka imagem pelo toque, acessando photolibrary func chooseimage(recognizer: uitapgesturerecognizer) {     let imagepicker: uiimagepickercontroller = uiimagepickercontroller()     imagepicker.delegate = self     imagepicker.sourcetype = uiimagepickercontrollersourcetype.photolibrary     self.presentviewcontroller(imagepicker, animated: true, completion: nil) }  //ao selecionar imagem, coloca-a na tela tocada func imagepickercontroller(picker: uiimagepickercontroller, didfinishpickingmediawithinfo info: [nsobject:anyobject]) {     let pickedimage: uiimage = (info nsdictionary).objectforkey(uiimagepickercontrolleroriginalimage) as! uiimage     // small picture     let smallpicture = scaleimagewith(pickedimage, newsize: cgsizemake(75,75))     var sizeofimageview:cgrect = recipeimage.frame     sizeofimageview.size = smallpicture.size     recipeimage.frame = sizeofimageview     recipeimage.image = smallpicture     picker.dismissviewcontrolleranimated(true, completion: nil) }   func imagepickercontrollerdidcancel(picker: uiimagepickercontroller) {     picker.dismissviewcontrolleranimated(true, completion: nil) }  func scaleimagewith(image:uiimage, newsize: cgsize) -> uiimage {     uigraphicsbeginimagecontextwithoptions(newsize, false, 0.0)     image.drawinrect(cgrectmake(0,0, newsize.width, newsize.height))     let newimage: uiimage = uigraphicsgetimagefromcurrentimagecontext()     uigraphicsendimagecontext()     return newimage }  @ibaction func shownewingredientscreen() {     let newingredient = addingredientviewcontroller(delegate: self)         if let navigation = navigationcontroller {            navigation.pushviewcontroller(newingredient, animated: true)         }     }  @ibaction func showhowtodoscreen() {     let howtodo = howtodoviewcontroller(nibname: "howtodoviewcontroller", bundle: nil)     if let navigation = navigationcontroller {         navigation.pushviewcontroller(howtodo, animated: true)     } }    @ibaction func addbutton(sender: anyobject) {      if nametextfield == nil || recipeimage == nil { return }     if recipeimage == nil { return }      let namelabel = nametextfield.text     let imageview = recipeimage.image      if delegatedetails == nil { return }     delegatedetails?.senddetailstomvc(namelabel, image: imageview!)      println("button pressed, name \(namelabel) , image \(imageview) added.")      if let navigation = self.navigationcontroller {         navigation.popviewcontrolleranimated(true)     } } 

my question is: passing information correctly? correct way storing images creating images arrays did? when press addbutton, nothing happens, has no crashes. i'm in issue quite time , thankful if pointed me what's wrong.

by way, i'm new swift, forgive me n00b mistakes.


should same in other question. in addbutton function setting delegate if not niland not if should. delete if delegatedetails == nil { return } detailviewcontroler - addbutton , should work.


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