typo3 - Sub page content rendering using vhs? -

requirement simple , want render content of sub page in main page.

is possible using vhs extension ?

enter image description here

i want render sub-page content in [9]zweckverband parent page.

requirement dynamic , sub-pages can increase , need render sub page content in parent [9] page.

we can render menu using vhs , , can render page content using vhs. need combine both coding achieve requirement.

thanks in advance !

you can render menu of subpages, instead rendering menu item each of them, render content (and maybe headline or something). rendering content of arbitrary page can done with

<v:content.render pageuid="{currentpage}" column="0"/> 

other content retrieval viewhelpers should have pageuid parameter, use them well.

one thing come caching: if subpage changed, rendering result of main page changes. typo3 won't recognize that, because content on main page didn't change. might want clearcachecmd , solve that.


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