queue - NSArray is null when i create it in the completion whereas the first nsarray is not null -
this code trying create nsmutable array strings , store them in object property. nsarray *photos works not nsmutablearray thumbimageurl. when nslog debugging purposes null. please help, annoys me lot, cant find solution. lazy instantiated there no reason not have allocation in memory.
lazy instantiation:
-(void)setthumbimageurl:(nsmutablearray *)thumbimageurl { if (!_thumbimageurl) _thumbimageurl=[[nsmutablearray alloc] initwithcapacity:50]; _thumbimageurl=thumbimageurl; }
my code:
[pxrequest requestforphotofeature:pxapihelperphotofeaturepopular resultsperpage:50 page:1 photosizes:(pxphotomodelsizelarge | pxphotomodelsizethumbnail | pxphotomodelsizesmallthumbnail |pxphotomodelsizeextralarge) sortorder:pxapihelpersortordercreatedat completion:^(nsdictionary *results, nserror *error) { [[uiapplication sharedapplication] setnetworkactivityindicatorvisible:no]; if (results) { self.photos =[results valueforkey:@"photos"]; nslog(@"%@",self.photos); } nslog(@"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nself photos count : %lu",[self.photos count]); (int i=0; i<[self.photos count]; i++) { nsurl *thumbimageurl= [nsurl urlwithstring:[[[self.photos valueforkey:@"images"] [i] valueforkey:@"url"] firstobject]]; nsdata *imagedata=[nsdata datawithcontentsofurl:thumbimageurl]; [self.thumbimageurl addobject:imagedata]; self.largeimageurl[i]=[[[self.photos valueforkey:@"images"] [i] valueforkey:@"url"] lastobject]; } nslog(@"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nself thum image after : %@",self.thumbimageurl); nslog(@"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nself large image after : %@n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",self.largeimageurl); }];
i myself found problem. problem lazy instantiation on setter whereas should on getter
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