compilation - How to compile JAVA on Sublime text 2 using Mac OS X? -

i've looked on internet finding complicated results , im not sure do.

sublime text 2 has builtin java support:

enter image description here

which means once have opened java source, have press command+b

what described in comments bit different - should update post information!

devin posted gist solution here:

you should add new build-system going menu:

tools --> build system --> new build system

and add following json , save "java.sublime-build" default directory (which like: ~/library/application support/sublime text 2/packages/user/):

{     "cmd": ["javac", "$file_name"],     "cmd": ["java", "$file_base_name"],     "working_dir": "${project_path:${folder}}",     "selector": "" } 

next time want compile & run use "java.sublime-build" build-systems.


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