oracle11g - PL SQL Retrieve Table data to XML TYPE -

i wanted know why data not filter in 3rd level 2nd level primary key. in first level i'm passing item id prefno after i'm retrieving data according item_id. 2nd level finding primary key of level_id using item_id , retrieving dimensions according level_id. dimensions getting repeating mean in filtering part not working. when run dimensions query along not repeating. adding same query en trier xmltype query getting repeated

select xmlagg(xmlelement ("uomdimensions",        xmlforest ("dimensionid"      "dimensionid",        "dimensionname"    "dimensionname",        "dimensionvalue"   "dimensionvalue")))        (select p.dimension_id    "dimensionid",        p.dimension_desc  "dimensionname",        0                 "dimensionvalue"        bizzxe_v2_sch.dimension_settings o, bizzxe_v2_sch.dimensions p        p.dimension_id        = o.dimension_id        , o.setting_property_id   = 42        , o.setting_value         = 1        , p.dimension_id not in (                                  select p.dimension_id                                   bizzxe_v2_sch.dimensions p, bizzxe_v2_sch.item_uom_level_dimnsions q, bizzxe_v2_sch.item_uom_levels x, bizzxe_v2_sch.items                                   a.item_id      = x.item_id                                   ,   x.level_id     = q.level_id --                                ,   x.level_id     = k.level_id                                   ,   q.dimension_id = p.dimension_id                                   ,   a.item_id      = pref_no )                                   union                                    select p.dimension_id      "dimensionid",                                   p.dimension_desc    "dimensionname",                                   q.dimension_value   "dimensionvalue"                                   bizzxe_v2_sch.items a, bizzxe_v2_sch.item_uom_levels z, bizzxe_v2_sch.dimensions p, bizzxe_v2_sch.item_uom_level_dimnsions q                                   a.item_id      = pref_no                                   ,   a.item_id      = z.item_id                                    ,   q.dimension_id = p.dimension_id --                                ,   q.level_id     = k.level_id                                    ,   q.level_id     = z.level_id)) 

this whole query

select    xmlelement (             "object",    xmlelement (                       "item",    xmlforest( 1                    "locationid",    a.item_id            "id",    a.item_id            "itemid",    a.remarks            "remarks",    a.code               "itemcode",               "itemdescription",    a.short_name         "itemshortname",    a.hs_code_id         "hscodeid",    b.hs_code            "hscodename",    a.brand_id           "itembrandid",    c.brand_description  "itembrandname",    a.cat_id             "categoryid",    d.item_cat_desc      "categoryname",    a.variant_temp_id    "varianttemplateid",    e.variant_temp_name  "varinattemplatename",    (select       xmlagg(xmlelement ("itemuomlevels",       xmlforest (k.uom_level               "uomlevelid",       k.uom_id                  "uomid",       l.description             "uom",       k.long_name               "uomlongname",       k.conv_factr              "conversionfactor",       k.status_id               "uomlevelstatus",       k.sys_usage_id            "uomlevelsystemusagetypeid",       h.sys_usage_name          "uomlevelsystemusagetype",       k.image                   "uomlevelimage",       k.uom_level_volume        "uomlevelvolume",       (select          unique case               when s.item_id<>0 1                                                                          end "uomleveleditable"                                                                            bizzxe_v2_sch.po_request_items s                 s.item_id = pref_no           , s.uom_id= l.uom_id) "uomleveleditable",       (select          xmlagg(xmlelement ("uomdimensions",          xmlforest ("dimensionid"      "dimensionid",          "dimensionname"    "dimensionname",          "dimensionvalue"   "dimensionvalue")))                                                                               (select             p.dimension_id    "dimensionid",             p.dimension_desc  "dimensionname",             0                 "dimensionvalue"                                                                                           bizzxe_v2_sch.dimension_settings o,             bizzxe_v2_sch.dimensions p                                                                                           p.dimension_id        = o.dimension_id                                                                                  , o.setting_property_id   = 42                                                                                  , o.setting_value         = 1                                                                                  , p.dimension_id not in (                                                                                               select                p.dimension_id                                                                                                                            bizzxe_v2_sch.dimensions p,                bizzxe_v2_sch.item_uom_level_dimnsions q,                bizzxe_v2_sch.item_uom_levels x,                bizzxe_v2_sch.items                                                                                                   a.item_id      = x.item_id                                                                                       ,   x.level_id     = q.level_id                                                                                   --    ,   x.level_id     = k.level_id                                                                                       ,   q.dimension_id = p.dimension_id                                                                                       ,   a.item_id      = pref_no )                                                                             union          select             p.dimension_id      "dimensionid",             p.dimension_desc    "dimensionname",             q.dimension_value   "dimensionvalue"                                                                                         bizzxe_v2_sch.items a,             bizzxe_v2_sch.item_uom_levels z,             bizzxe_v2_sch.dimensions p,             bizzxe_v2_sch.item_uom_level_dimnsions q                                                                                         a.item_id      = pref_no                                                                                ,   a.item_id      = z.item_id                                                                                 ,   q.dimension_id = p.dimension_id                                                                           --     ,   q.level_id     = k.level_id                                                                                ,   q.level_id     = z.level_id )) "uomdimensionslist")))                                             bizzxe_v2_sch.item_uom_levels k,    bizzxe_v2_sch.uoms l,    bizzxe_v2_sch.item_system_usages h                                             a.item_id        = pref_no                                             ,   a.item_id        = k.item_id                                             ,   k.sys_usage_id   = h.sys_usage_id                                             ,   k.uom_id         = l.uom_id)as "itemuomlevelslist")))             varxml             bizzxe_v2_sch.items a,    bizzxe_v2_sch.hs_codes b,    bizzxe_v2_sch.brands c,    bizzxe_v2_sch.item_categories d,    bizzxe_v2_sch.variant_templates e          a.item_id         = pref_no          ,   a.hs_code_id      = b.hs_code_id          ,   c.brand_id        = a.brand_id          ,   d.item_cat_id     = a.cat_id          ,   a.variant_temp_id = e.variant_temp_id; 

select xmlelement (        "object", xmlelement (                  "item", xmlforest( 1                    "locationid",                                     a.item_id            "id",                                     a.item_id            "itemid",                                     a.remarks            "remarks",                                     a.code               "itemcode",                                          "itemdescription",                                     a.short_name         "itemshortname",                                     a.hs_code_id         "hscodeid",                                     b.hs_code            "hscodename",                                     a.brand_id           "itembrandid",                                     c.brand_description  "itembrandname",                                     a.cat_id             "categoryid",                                     d.item_cat_desc      "categoryname",                                     a.variant_temp_id    "varianttemplateid",                                     e.variant_temp_name  "varinattemplatename",                                     (select xmlagg(xmlelement ("allocationtypes",                                                   xmlforest ("allocationtypeid"             "allocationtypeid",                                                              "allocationvalue"              "allocationvalue",                                                              "allocationtype"               "allocationtype",                                                              "allocationsystemusagetypeid"  "allocationsystemusagetypeid",                                                              "allocationsystemusagetype"    "allocationsystemusagetype")))                                       (select                                                   f.allocation_id        "allocationtypeid",                                                  f.value                "allocationvalue",                                                  g.allocation_desc      "allocationtype",                                                  f.sys_usage_id         "allocationsystemusagetypeid",                                                  h.sys_usage_name       "allocationsystemusagetype"                                             bizzxe_v2_sch.items a, bizzxe_v2_sch.item_allocations f, bizzxe_v2_sch.allocations g, bizzxe_v2_sch.item_system_usages h                                            a.item_id       = f.item_id                                            ,   a.item_id       = pref_no                                            ,   f.sys_usage_id  = h.sys_usage_id                                            ,   g.allocation_id = f.allocation_id                                             union                                            select                                                   g.allocation_id    "allocationtypeid",                                                  0                  "allocationvalue",                                                  g.allocation_desc  "allocationtype",                                                  0                  "allocationsystemusagetypeid",                                                  null               "allocationsystemusagetype"                                              bizzxe_v2_sch.allocations g                                             g.allocation_id not in                                                                      (select g.allocation_id        "allocationtypeid"                                                                       bizzxe_v2_sch.items a, bizzxe_v2_sch.item_allocations g                                                                      a.item_id = g.item_id                                                                      ,   a.item_id = pref_no)))as "allocationtypeslist",                                   (select xmlagg(xmlelement ("variantdimensionmatrix",                                                   xmlforest ("skuprefixcode"            "skuprefixcode",                                                              "skuprefixdescription"     "skuprefixdescription",                                                              "validsku"                 "skuselected")))                                                                            ( select                                           i.sku_prefix_code "skuprefixcode",                                           i.sku_description "skuprefixdescription",                                           '0'               "validsku"                                      bizzxe_v2_sch.items  a, bizzxe_v2_sch.variant_temp_dimensions i, bizzxe_v2_sch.variant_templates e                                     i.variant_temp_id    = e.variant_temp_id                                     ,   i.variant_temp_id    = a.variant_temp_id                                     ,   a.item_id            = pref_no                                     ,   i.sku_prefix_code not in                                                          ( select                                                                  j.sku_prefix_code "skuprefixcode"                                                             bizzxe_v2_sch.items a, bizzxe_v2_sch.item_varints j                                                            a.item_id  = j.item_id                                                            ,   a.item_id  = pref_no)                                     union                                      select                                           j.sku_prefix_code   "skuprefixcode",                                           j.sku_prefix_desc   "skuprefixdescription",                                           j.valid_sku         "validsku"                                      bizzxe_v2_sch.items a, bizzxe_v2_sch.item_varints j                                     a.item_id     = pref_no                                     ,   a.item_id     = j.item_id))as "variantdimensionmatrixlist",                                     (select xmlagg(xmlelement ("itemuomlevels",                                                   xmlforest (k.uom_level               "uomlevelid",                                                              k.uom_id                  "uomid",                                                              l.description             "uom",                                                              k.long_name               "uomlongname",                                                              k.conv_factr              "conversionfactor",                                                              k.status_id               "uomlevelstatus",                                                              k.sys_usage_id            "uomlevelsystemusagetypeid",                                                              h.sys_usage_name          "uomlevelsystemusagetype",                                                              k.image                   "uomlevelimage",                                                              k.uom_level_volume        "uomlevelvolume",                                                       (select                                                          unique case  when s.item_id<>0 1                                                           end "uomleveleditable"                                                       bizzxe_v2_sch.po_request_items s s.item_id = pref_no , s.uom_id= l.uom_id) "uomleveleditable",                                                              (select xmlagg(xmlelement ("uomlevelcontrols",                                                              xmlforest (m.control_id   "controlid",                                                                         m.control_name "controlname")))                                                        bizzxe_v2_sch.items a, bizzxe_v2_sch.uom_controls m, bizzxe_v2_sch.item_uom_level_controls n,bizzxe_v2_sch.item_uom_levels y                                                       a.item_id     = pref_no                                                       ,   a.item_id     = k.item_id                                                       ,   k.level_id    = n.level_id                                                       ,   y.level_id    = n.level_id                                                        ,   n.control_id  = m.control_id) "uomlevelcontrolslist",                                                      (select xmlagg(xmlelement ("uomdimensions",                                                              xmlforest ("dimensionid"      "dimensionid",                                                                         "dimensionname"    "dimensionname",                                                                         "dimensionvalue"   "dimensionvalue",                                                                         "level"            "level")))                                                          (select p.dimension_id    "dimensionid",                                                                       p.dimension_desc  "dimensionname",                                                                       0                 "dimensionvalue",                                                                       0                 "level"                                                                bizzxe_v2_sch.dimension_settings o, bizzxe_v2_sch.dimensions p                                                                p.dimension_id        = o.dimension_id                                                                , o.setting_property_id   = 42                                                                , o.setting_value         = 1                                                                , p.dimension_id not in (                                                                                          select p.dimension_id                                                                                           bizzxe_v2_sch.dimensions p, bizzxe_v2_sch.item_uom_level_dimnsions q, bizzxe_v2_sch.item_uom_levels x, bizzxe_v2_sch.items                                                                  a.item_id      = x.item_id                                                                  ,   x.level_id     = q.level_id                                                                  ,   a.item_id      = pref_no )                                                              union                                                                 select p.dimension_id      "dimensionid",                                                                       p.dimension_desc    "dimensionname",                                                                       q.dimension_value   "dimensionvalue",                                                                       q.level_id          "level"                                                              bizzxe_v2_sch.items a, bizzxe_v2_sch.item_uom_levels z, bizzxe_v2_sch.dimensions p, bizzxe_v2_sch.item_uom_level_dimnsions q                                                              a.item_id      = pref_no                                                              ,   a.item_id      = z.item_id                                                               ,   q.dimension_id = p.dimension_id                                                              ,   q.level_id     = z.level_id) dual k.level_id="level") "uomdimensionslist")))                                     bizzxe_v2_sch.item_uom_levels k, bizzxe_v2_sch.uoms l, bizzxe_v2_sch.item_system_usages h                                    a.item_id        = pref_no                                    ,   a.item_id        = k.item_id                                    ,   k.sys_usage_id   = h.sys_usage_id                                    ,   k.uom_id         = l.uom_id)as "itemuomlevelslist")))  varxml   bizzxe_v2_sch.items a, bizzxe_v2_sch.hs_codes b, bizzxe_v2_sch.brands c, bizzxe_v2_sch.item_categories d, bizzxe_v2_sch.variant_templates e a.item_id         = pref_no ,   a.hs_code_id      = b.hs_code_id ,   c.brand_id        = a.brand_id ,   d.item_cat_id     = a.cat_id ,   a.variant_temp_id = e.variant_temp_id; 


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