json - Best and quickest way to parse large XML -

i don't care programming language use long supported in linux.

the point reading xml files , convert them json array mapping key json key. i've tried already. php

  • using simplexml_load_file
  • quick parsing
  • single threaded
  • not memory management


  • using minidom.parse
  • slow parsing
  • multiprocessing pool gets stuck
  • awesome memory management


  • usibg xml2js
  • slow parsing
  • a bit multiprocessing using async
  • not memory management

what can make faster. thanks.

edit: importance multi processing have 50 xml's multiplied 5 directories

this producer should run once hour

if speed , memory issue , if don't mind little bit of coding, perhaps reasonable use stream parsers such xml.sax or xml.etree.elementtree.iterparse.


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