javascript - d3 Choropleth map with different dates and times -

i created own germany.json administrative regions.

as data germany.json, created simple table 2 columns: (name of administrative region)(rate of administrative region)

my map works great, job isn't done that.

i have detailed tables 4 columns (date, time, administrative region , rate).

so choropleth map can created if choose date first, time. after choosing date , time, map given input shows up.

the problem here, i'm beginner in javascript. have ideas in mind, can't move ideas code.

that's why ask here , ideas.

is i'm asking possible?

the map @ above link interesting choropleth map have found far has in common map want make.

thanks reading far.

here code:

<!doctype html>  <meta charset="utf-8">  <style>    .properties {    fill: none;  }    //hier werden die farben für verschiedene kategorien zugeteilt  .q0-9 { fill:rgb(247,251,255); }  .q1-9 { fill:rgb(222,235,247); }  .q2-9 { fill:rgb(198,219,239); }  .q3-9 { fill:rgb(158,202,225); }  .q4-9 { fill:rgb(107,174,214); }  .q5-9 { fill:rgb(66,146,198); }  .q6-9 { fill:rgb(33,113,181); }  .q7-9 { fill:rgb(8,81,156); }  .q8-9 { fill:rgb(8,48,107); }        </style>    <body>  <script src=""></script>  <script src=""></script>  <script src=""></script>  <script src=""></script>  </body>  <script>           //größe der karte wird eingestellt  var width = 1050,  	height = 1000;  	  var ratebyid =;  //skalierung für die einfärbung   var quantize = d3.scale.quantize()      .domain([1, 50])      .range(d3.range(9).map(function(i) { return "q" + + "-9"; }));  	  //skalierung und ausrichtung auf deutschland  var projection = d3.geo.albers()      .center([10.4, 51.35])      .rotate([1, 0])      .parallels([50, 60])      .scale(1200 * 5)      .translate([width / 2, height / 2]);  //d3 projection wird angelegt  var path = d3.geo.path()      .projection(projection);      //svg wird angelegt  var svg ="body").append("svg")      .attr("width", width)      .attr("height", height);  //warteschlange zum ausführen des skripts wird angelegt  queue()      .defer(d3.json, "germany.json")      .defer(d3.tsv, "test2.tsv", function(d) {   		ratebyid.set(d.name_2, +d.rate);   		})      .await(ready);    //karte wird geladen und mit den gewünschten properties geöffnet und zugewiesen	    function ready(error, de) {    svg.append("g")        .attr("class", "properties")      svg.selectall("path")        .data(topojson.feature(de, de.objects.collection).features)      .enter().append("path")        .attr("class", function(d) {   		return quantize(ratebyid.get(;   	  })        .attr("d", path);      }    //"height", height + "px");  </script>

queue() .defer(d3.json, "germany.json") .defer(d3.tsv, "test2.tsv", function(d) {      ratebyid.set(d.name_2, +d.rate);      }) .await(ready);   function ready(error, de) {  svg.append("g")   .attr("class", "properties") svg.selectall("path")   .data(topojson.feature(de, de.objects.collection).features) .enter().append("path")   .attr("class", function(d) {      return quantize(ratebyid.get(;    })   .attr("d", path); 

how upload data , .json jsfiddle? i've got on drive

this how data.csv like

now problem: how map when pick date , time date picker , slider time. dont know how code this


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