mysql - PHP PDO Querying code from database doesn't show, only in source -

i'm using pdo query data database have section raw php code doesn't show up, in source if it's trying run.

i have slashes stripped , have echoed under pre/code tags i'm wondering why won't show on page.


id    name(varchar)           code (longtext) 1         test         <?php echo /'hello world/'; ?> 

php file

<?php         try {             $db = new pdo('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=$dbname;charset=utf8', '$username', '$password');             $db->setattribute(pdo::attr_errmode, pdo::errmode_exception);             $db->setattribute(pdo::attr_emulate_prepares, false);              $stmt = $db->prepare('select name, codeone table_one id = :id');              $stmt->bindparam(':id', '1');              $stmt->execute();              while ($row = $stmt->fetch(pdo::fetch_assoc)) {                     echo $row['name'] . '<pre><code>'. stripslashes($row['codeone']) .'</code></pre>';                 }          } catch(pdoexception $e) {             return $e->getmessage();         };     ?> 

what sees


view source

test<pre><code><?php echo "hello";?></code></pre> 

well use htmlspecialchars() encode string, e.g.

echo htmlspecialchars('<?php echo "hello";?>'); 

what see:

<?php echo "hello";?> 

source code:

&lt;?php echo &quot;hello&quot;;?&gt; 

or if want fancy use: highlight_string(), gives nice color string:

echo highlight_string('<?php echo "hello";?>', true); 


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