c++ - Decoding H.264 individual nal units -

i sending individual nal units across network. these nal units generated x264. possible feed these nal units individually avcodec_decode_video2?

or have concatenate nal units until represent same frame? if thats case how done?

i have read might able receive sps , pps packets. wait @ least 1 packet, , attempt decode. correct?

any advice can offered appreciated

yes, possible pass nal units individually decoder. h264 has capability split multiple slices multiple nal units per frame. pl. refer tutorial provides steps decode using ffmpeg. http://dranger.com/ffmpeg/tutorial01.html.

also check output of av_read_frame call understand how frame data coming. suggest pl. refer below stack overflow link explains issue nal decoding h264: decode series of nal units ffmpeg


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